Phone: (+84) 02837313563 - Hotline : (+84) 1800 8059

Address : 30 Do Xuan Hop, Phuoc Long A Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

HR Policies

Man is the most valuable asset of an organization. At Viettronics Thu Duc (VTD), we value all people's contribution to overall success, no matter who they are, in what position. Therefore, we bring all members of VTD a working environment.

Dynamic and fair, where every employee has the opportunity to work and train to achieve career success and personal fulfillment. All success, even the smallest are recognized and rewarded. We provide a diverse and tailored solution to help everyone grow up and build a career in VTD. All of these solutions are developed and linked tightly based on the organizational vision and the VTD culture.


  • The salary system of VTD is built on the general wage level of the market, competing with other companies in the same industry, in accordance with the requirements and the actual workload.
  • Review quarterly / annual salary increases based on the nature of work and performance of employees.
  • Bonus for Tet holidays and year-end performance bonuses.
  • Allowance for lunch, telephone, gasoline, transportation to support staff during their work at VTD.
  • To make deductions for paying social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance for full laborers according to current regulations. To settle maternity, sickness and severance allowances according to the provisions of law.


  • Annual travel policy for employees & families.
  • Promotion policy for children's staff.
  • Car buying support policy for senior management level.
  • Special policy for TOP 20 excellent employees: stock bonus, health insurance for employees and families, home purchase incentives, ...
  • Annual general health check for all employees.
  • The annual staffing / team building program is designed to relax and unite the employees.
  • Policy for purchasing health insurance and accident insurance 24/24 for employees.
  • Policy support for staffs on business trips.
  • The party was warmly presented at the end of the year with many attractive Tet gifts for staff.
  • The policy of taking care of the lives of staff: birthday gifts, wedding gifts, visiting organizations


  • Based on the development orientation of the company
  • Maximize potential and career orientation
  • Suitable for individual
  • Fair - Transparent - Mounted - Effective
  • Rights go hand in hand with responsibility


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